Today is Day 100 of the Papa’s Walk Challenge!
I can’t believe I’ve completed 100 consecutive days of walking in honor of Papa! This called for a celebration, so I headed to the coast to walk with my bestie, Jackie. We’ve been friends since we met in first grade when we were six years old. Jackie knew and loved Papa, too.
We walked north along the Pacific Coast Trail with stunning vista views of the ocean. Jackie took the photo on this page with her iPhone. The salt-and-seaweed-scented-air was invigorating.
We saw lots of wildlife including human bikers, bladers, and surfers. We also saw a flock of ducks flying in a straight line above the shore. There was a stink bug that crossed our path, and dozens of pill bugs.
Then we spotted two baby hares playing in the brush. Too cute! A little further on we saw a large hare standing motionless in a field. I joked that the hawks must be full from breakfast for that rabbit to be sitting so still in an open field. Right on cue, a red-tailed hawk flew over the meadow and landed in a tree nearby as the hare darted for cover under some bushes. It’s all about survival…
…and I’m proud to say, I’ve survived 100 days of the Papa’s Walk Challenge. Only 265 more days to go!
Love the post! So happy to be part of your celebration. Love you!