Days 106, 107, & 108: Tax Walks!

Days 106, 107, & 108 of the Papa’s Walk Challenge!

I filed an extension on my income tax return and the deadline is fast-approaching. I fantasized that if the U.S. government shut down Montgomery Street, San Francisco I might not have to file my return and pay taxes.  No such luck.

So, for the past three days, I’ve been combing through receipts for deductions and putting together the information my accountant needs to file the return. I find this process stressful and used my Papa’s Walks to let off some steam. Today, I completed the tax package and drove to San Francisco to deliver it to my accountant.

It was a PERFECT day in the city by the bay – sunny, blue skies, about 70 degrees, with a gentle breeze. After dropping off the tax stuff, I decided to take a walk through the financial district. I walked from Harrison and 2nd Street to Market and then over to Kearny.

It was noon, so the sidewalks were filled with young, white-collar workers stopping at tiny deli’s, cafés, and food trucks to get lunch. I never saw so many people carrying salads in clear plastic containers!

I walked down Kearny to California where the monolithic Bank of America skyscraper soars 52 stories above the ground. I stopped, hoping to ride the high speed elevator to the top of the building for a view of The City. I expected to find The Carnelian Room restaurant with a stunning panoramic view located atop the tower. The security guard informed me that the restaurant closed in 2010 and there isn’t an observation deck accessible to the public.

I was a little bummed out as I headed to the plaza, but smiled when I saw the gigantic granite sculpture that is shaped like a human internal organ.  It’s titled “Transcendence,” but the locals call the big, black blob the “Banker’s Heart.”

I walked down to Montgomery Street and joined the crowd of lunch-hour walkers who were ducking in and out of doorways to mega-businesses in the “Wall Street of the West.”  Once again, many were carrying salads in clear plastic containers.  That’s a lot of lettuce being eaten, traded, exchanged, and (in my case) forked over to the U.S. Treasury to support a government that is shut down.

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