Days 110-113: Harv-O-Ween Is Coming!

Days 110, 111, 112, & 113 of the Papa’s Walk Challenge!

I’ve had a few busy days that included  installing cabinets in my home office,  having my mom (Papa’s loving partner for 66 years) as a house guest, and attending the 7th birthday party of Papa’s great granddaughter.

I walked every day and what really caught my attention were harvest decorationsthe harvest and Halloween decorations sprouting in the front yards of neighborhood homes.  There are autumn wreaths on front doors and harvest garlands entwined through front porch railings.

Lawns have been transformed into graveyards with funny headstones such as:

Here lies John Yeast,
Pardon me if I don’t rise.

There are skeletons, witches, ghosts, mummies, and zombies hanging from trees, and pumpkins dot the landscape.  Some houses are so elaborately decorated, I have to pause to take it all in.

I love this time of year and the different ways people celebrate the season.

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