Days 121 & 122: There’s Gonna Be A Stomachache Tonight…

Last Monday and Tuesday, October 14th and 15th, were Days 121 & 122 of the Papa’s Walk Challenge!

It was all I could do to get out of bed on Monday morning. I thought I had the flu, but my husband was suffering from the pizzasame flu-like symptoms – and that’s when I remembered we had eaten delivery pizza the night before. There’s nothing like a food borne illness to start the week.  Once the Imodium kicked in, I was determined to go for a walk. You know what? Walking made me feel better!

By Tuesday, we were almost fully recovered. To add some levity to our predicament, we turned to the music parodies of Dr. Carl Winter. He is the Director of the FoodSafe Program and Extension Food Toxicologist in the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of California at Davis. He provides food safety education through music by setting lyrics about food borne illnesses and their causes to popular pop and rock songs.  He’s known as the “Elvis of E.Coli” and the “Sinatra of Salmonella” for parodies such as “Stomachache Tonight” (a take off on the Eagles’ Heartache Tonight).

I hummed songs from Dr. Winter’s CD of song parodies as I took my Papa’s Walk on Tuesday.  🙂



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