Days 126 and 127 of the Papa’s Walk Challenge!
On Saturday, near the end of my walk, I noticed a pomegranate bush in the side yard of a neighbor’s home that was full of ripe, red, pomegranate fruit. I decided to keep my eyes peeled for pomegranate bushes as I walked on Sunday, and found 6 of them over a course of 2.5 miles. All of the bushes had ripe fruit on them – some of the fruit had burst on the bush, revealing the red, juicy seeds inside.
Pomegranates have a long and fascinating history, as you’ll discover if you visit these websites: – Watch a short but informative video of how pomegranates go from tree to bottle to produce the POM Wonderful brand of pomegranate juice. When you’re through watching, use the menu to explore the history of pomegranates and discover the health benefits of the antioxidants in this “superfood.” Get some tasty recipes too!
How To Peel a Pomegranate -This website offers instructions and a video tutorial.
The Story of Persephone – At this website you can read the story of Persephone, who in Greek mythology ate pomegranates resulting in a partial explanation for Earth’s seasons.